The basics of skin care

 Hola! Hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated. Today I thought I would begin to discuss good face skincare basics. Slowly, and in subsequent posts, I will begin to layer on (get it? layer on. Well you will get it by the end of the future posts hehe) I don't know if you've ever noticed, but there is a whole industry worth billions and billions of dollars focusing on the ever-elusive fountain of youth. We can't open up our emails, FB, Instagram without getting bombarded with the latest tools, creams and serums. It can be overwhelming. I started a serious skin care routine about 4 yrs ago, and literally everyone comments on how amazing my skin looks. I think it looks pretty fab, too.  Most of us want to stay looking young as long as possible. Not everyone does (and that is okay, good for you!) I will say though, part of a good skin care routine also incorporates skin cancer prevention, so even if you don't care as much about the wrinkles, I will still have some good tips for you :)

Look out for specific product recommendations in future posts. There are a lot of good products that do the same thing, but some are more pocket-friendly than others.

Here are 5 basic absolutes, must do, at least 99% of the time in order to set yourself up for great skin.

1. Get healthy on the inside.

2. Alway, always remove all of your make-up before going to bed.

3. Always wash your face with good cleanser before bedtime. Details in future post.

4. Apply your bedtime skin routine 30-40 mins before bed to void it ending up on your pillow. Details in future post of what my routine looks like.

5. Always, always, even when the sun is not shining, even if there's a winter storm: apply a good Vitamin C serum, followed by facial sunscreen, at least 30 SPF. Details in future post to come.

Get healthy on the inside:

Beauty is only skin deep, so the saying goes. The most important thing is getting healthy from the inside. The usual recommendations for overall good health apply for skin health. Good hydration, getting your nutrients from veggies, fruits, etc. Fuel on anti-oxidants (all the berries, etc) Save your money tip: don't waste $$ on so called skin vitamins. In general, unless you have very specific vitamin deficiencies (which would be diagnosed by your doctor), I would say vitamins are not super helpful. Exceptions include iron deficiency or Vitamin D deficiency or Vitamin B12 deficiency. Again, these should be diagnosed and treated with your trusted primary care physician. I felt like most of my patient visits consisted of me trying to convince my patients they did not need to take 10 different vitamins daily. Vitamins, no matter how natural the bottles claim to be can have significant interactions with your other medications. So always be honest with your doctors as to all the over-the-counter supplements you may be taking.

Sleep! Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Remember that while we sleep, our cells are regenerating. 

Hydrate: future post on this, but in general 6-8 cups of water a day. Flavored water is okay if you dont like regular water. The more hydrated your skin is, the better elasticity it maintains.

What kinds of healthy habits do you maintain to get good skin?

No makeup/no filter selfie


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