

Hiiii all. Today I want to talk about water. It surrounds us. We need it for survival. We need to take care of the bodies of water on Earth. But it can also kill us (look out for a future post on the importance of water/pool safety and kids). It makes up 60% of our body weight. Drinking too much of it is fatal. But not enough, and you'll also feel the consequences.

How much water do we need? The answer is...we're still not exactly sure. Unless you have kidney issues (then please check with your nephrologist to see how much water you need), we've sorted landed on 6-8 cups a day. 1 cup being 8 onz. Our bodies have built in thirst mechanisms that help us survive. But is this enough water? Probably not. Our bodies care more about survival, but not necessarily optimization. So if you're only drinking water when thirst overwhelms you, you're probably already dehydrated.

Water helps keep our bodies running on the inside and on the molecular level. But it's hard to appreciate this until we don't have enough water. 

A few Benefits of adequate water intake: 

-Gives you energy

-Great for your skin

- Boosts brain activity

-regulates body temperature

 Energy: I promise you will see a difference if  you remain consistent. I love these cute water jugs that help keep you updated on the amount of water you've been drinking. Perfect for work or home:


Fill it up once, drink it all, and you're done! Easy-peasy. I generally wash these guys about every 2-3 days (as long as you're not using any sugary or tea drinks, just water, this should keep it clean)

Have you guys seen Apple TV's Shrinking? (total sidenote, but trust when I say it is an amazing show!)

Gaby is all on her hydration and she's right!

Water can improve your mood, prevents headaches, and give you beautiful skin. 

Old pic of my husband and I about to jump into a scary amount of water in of one Cancun's cenotes or underwater caves.


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