
Showing posts from May, 2023

Primary care: it's about prevention!

 Have you had your annual physical yet? If not, please do so as soon as possible! If you wait until you feel sick, your disease or illness has progressed too far. Lots of common chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or sleep apnea can be silent for many years. Meanwhile your organs are being damaged.! Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your primary care visit. My medical school graduation day! 1.Be on time. Being on time actually means getting there 15 minutes early. Most doctors offices have a 15 minute grace period, but if you can imagine if most patients show up 15 minutes late, this pushes back every other patient of the day. So if you happen to be one of the last patients, your appointment will be getting pushed way back. If your appointment is at 9:00, you should aim to arrive at the office at 8:45. Between finding a parking space, getting to the clinic, registration, and the medical assistant, taking your blood pre

The basics of skin care

 Hola! Hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated. Today I thought I would begin to discuss good face skincare basics. Slowly, and in subsequent posts, I will begin to layer on (get it? layer on. Well you will get it by the end of the future posts hehe) I don't know if you've ever noticed, but there is a whole industry worth billions and billions of dollars focusing on the ever-elusive fountain of youth. We can't open up our emails, FB, Instagram without getting bombarded with the latest tools, creams and serums. It can be overwhelming. I started a serious skin care routine about 4 yrs ago, and literally everyone comments on how amazing my skin looks. I think it looks pretty fab, too.  Most of us want to stay looking young as long as possible. Not everyone does (and that is okay, good for you!) I will say though, part of a good skin care routine also incorporates skin cancer prevention, so even if you don't care as much about the wrinkles, I will still have some g

Teacher's appreciation month

 Hello hello! While teacher's appreciation week passed, I feel like teachers need a whole month! The patience, the understanding, the loving...and all towards kids that are not yours! They shape the future minds.  We are on the final countdown to the end of the school year! That final stretch towards the end of the year is so painful. But shopping for a cause can make it bearable. You will most likely be collecting $ for or getting your teachers an end of the year gift, so let me help you make it extra special. (And order it on time so you're not rushing) Check out these monogrammed bags I scored for my daughters' teachers from Amazon.  Link below: Click here to order the best teacher's gift ever I stuffed them with gift cards, flowers, candy, and other fun goodies. They are the perfect size to carry a bunch of stuff, from notebooks, laptops, water bottles and they look adorable!.

Clouds clouds

 Hi everyone! I created this blog to share some of my daily life and give you some advice on small ways to lead a healthy life. I am a board-certified Family Medicine physician currently taking a break from work.  As you can probably gather from the name of my blog, I will write about the good and the bad that is life. I grew up thinking if you had any cloudy days, then you were doing something wrong and you needed to fix it ASAP. As I've gotten older and (somewhat) wiser, I'm learning to appreciate the cloudy days as well the sunshine filled days. I am currently in the middle of a cloudy week. I accidentally sliced my finger on a broken wine glass and am suffering from traveler's diarrhea. Womp womp. I feel awful. No energy. No motivation. And to top it off, Comed was doing some grid updating and left me without electricity for a whole hour this morning, right in the middle of a great movie. I got my finger stitched up and go back in 1 week to get them out. I got my rehydr