
Showing posts from August, 2023

My skin-care routine

Ahh beautiful skin. We all love it. We all want it. But how to achieve it?  You don't need to spend a lot of $$ to have great skin. Let me walk you through my simplified routine. Yes there are a lot of extras out there, but if you get these basics down, you should see improvement soon! Disclaimer: not all skins are the same, and hence not everything will work for everyone. I strongly recommend a visit to your friendly dermatologist to A. get an annual overall skin check for skin cancer, and B. target any problem areas you may have. I had acne even as an adult. Morning routine: 1. I do not cleanse my skin in the morning with a cleanser as this made it more dry. If you have super oily skin, go ahead and use  Cerave Foaming Facial cleanser . I usually just let water run over my face during my shower in the mornings. I definitely use it at night. 2. I apply a few drops of Vitamin C serum. There are a lot of Vitamin C serums out there. I used to use SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF brand, but


  Water. Hiiii all. Today I want to talk about water. It surrounds us. We need it for survival. We need to take care of the bodies of water on Earth. But it can also kill us (look out for a future post on the importance of water/pool safety and kids). It makes up 60% of our body weight. Drinking too much of it is fatal. But not enough, and you'll also feel the consequences. How much water do we need? The answer is...we're still not exactly sure. Unless you have kidney issues (then please check with your nephrologist to see how much water you need), we've sorted landed on 6-8 cups a day. 1 cup being 8 onz. Our bodies have built in thirst mechanisms that help us survive. But is this enough water? Probably not. Our bodies care more about survival, but not necessarily optimization. So if you're only drinking water when thirst overwhelms you, you're probably already dehydrated. Water helps keep our bodies running on the inside and on the molecular level. But it's har